Personal musings from our Creative Director

Personal musings from our Creative Director


What do you believe? What do you hope for?


I asked myself these questions recently and as I struggled to articulate my answer, I quickly realised that something I thought I understood thoroughly, my belief, had changed - more so I had changed. What I value most had changed and what I believe in and hope for had changed too.
As I considered the fullness of what belief means for me, I thought it would be interesting to question the very exemplars of belief and hope, our kids.
I leaned in over dinner and enquired with my boys, "what is hope?" Without hesitation our youngest exclaimed ‘‘it’s what you wish for!” Our 12, soon-to-be 13 year old took a few seconds for himself and described hope as a kind of tool… "it's something you use in the case of an emergency!"
I smiled at the depth of such simple responses. Both boys had described the value and power of belief and hope so effortlessly - to perceive and manifest our wishes for the future and as a tool to aid our resolve in times of crisis.
It was evident our kids are masters of whakapono. Their ability to hope reflects an innate understanding that the future is built upon our belief, that what we dream and envision, will manifest into reality. Whakapono is the foundation of faith we stand upon as we peer into the unknown for something that we cannot yet see, but know is true. Whakapono involves reliance and trust, allowing it to endure even in the face of doubt.
A glance back at our history can provide a renewed perspective when we contemplate the circumstances and the people who held steadfast to their beliefs in order to survive. We've recently commemorated 160 years since the New Zealand Land Wars that established our nation of New Zealand upon the land, blood and tears of my people. In times of great strife against incredible odds, in our darkest hour when we cannot see our salvation, it is our belief that emboldens our stance, and inspires hope that a better day will rise with the impending dawn.
This reflective practice serves as encouragement for the hardships and struggles we face in the present. Knowing we have overcome overwhelming adversity in the past is a reminder of our capacity to do the same. A powerful testimony of strength and unyielding faith.
Our belief is our greatest aid to persevere, to continue to fight on, or at times, to just get us back to our feet. Belief is a principle of action and power. When we exercise our faith, we show our hope for a better future, we inspire courage and determination to act with purpose.
Our new Limited Edition collection: Te Ata Hāpara (The Dawn of a New Day) is a practice of fortifying our faith, to continue to hope and believe for a better future.
Launching 25.07.24
Nāku noa,
Personal musings from our Creative Director
Ngā wai koiora: Behind the weave
Te Whārua: Behind the weave
Paerangi: Behind the weave