Te Kaupapa Hono - Behind the Weave

Te Kaupapa Hono - Behind the Weave

Te Kaupapa Hono.

Inspired by kōwhaiwhai, tāniko and Huikākahu Brian Kawe.

Huikākahu was a statesman, a true leader within the Māori and wider community. He spent a number of years as chair of his iwi, as conduit for the Māori King and as caretaker of his local marae where he welcomed people of all races and cultures. It was his dedication to care for all that saw him seated in many areas of engagement with local and regional councils, working at the interface, continuously acknowledging the power and prestige of all people as we weave a future together.

The design of Te Kaupapa Hono speaks to the value of communication in creating and sustaining relationships, as well as the connection to people and place.


We have utilized the waharua design in the paematua, the feature border. Waharua kōpito consists of vertically paired diamond shapes. The literal translation is ‘a point where people or events cross’. Therefore the pattern is a reminder that change often occurs at such meeting points, and highlights the value of our language to communicate effectively with each other. 


Inspired by some of the colors of the late 1800’s where wool was being introduced to our traditional garments, the Aorangi design featured in the borders is drawn from our local marae and refers to the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world.

A celtic inspired vertical run has been used through the body of the blanket as a way to acknowledge our Irish and Scottish whakapapa and shared heritage.  The vertical design represents tātai whakapapa or a singular line of genealogical descent commemorating our connection to our past, to our future and the mana tuku iho, or inherent prestige, each of us holds and must care for.


Read more of this series:

Weaving Our Story Part 1
Weaving Our Story Part 2: Te Whare o Te Whakaiti
Weaving Our Story Part 3: Te Kaupapa Hono
Weaving Our Story Part 4: Te Toi O Ngā Rangi

Personal musings from our Creative Director
Ngā wai koiora: Behind the weave
Te Whārua: Behind the weave
Paerangi: Behind the weave