Introducing Te Aparautaki
Te Apahinemaia, Te Aparaukura, Te Aparautaki.
Ko ngungunu, ko ngangana ko Apārangi!
The collective of emboldened women, of brave men, full of purpose.
A delegation of the distinguished. Determined and tenacious!
Ko ngungunu, ko ngangana ko Apārangi!
The collective of emboldened women, of brave men, full of purpose.
A delegation of the distinguished. Determined and tenacious!
Our fourth Limited Edition Collection, Te Aparautaki, is an ode to the core human value of self determination and our pursuit of peace in its everyday practice.

This collection of blanket designs; Manawatakiara, Tūmatakahuki, Te Raukūmara and Te Manawa Ū, continues the process of preserving ancestral story and wisdom, ensuring our values endure, and fostering what matters most as we create for the future. We look to the past and find inspiration in the echoes of determination and the various examples of strategic innovation, networking, resourcefulness and intentional action to see our future autonomy endure. Heartening our life endeavours, and the next era of purpose driven action.

There is much power in peace, as the vitality of life is only achieved in a state of harmony.
Launching Sunday 5 November, Te Aparautaki reflects our pursuit of peace and draws upon the courageous efforts of our predecessors to serve as encouragement for our aspirations, today.
The epicentre of our cultural ethos portrays a state of peace or absolute harmony, described as the ultimate state of wellbeing. Achieved and enhanced only when we adhere to the natural balance of mana (power) in our relationships with people and our environment.

E tangi te pū - the call to action - has resounded when this balance has been endangered. Our people constantly rising to dissolve the threat in the name of peace.
Te Aparautaki calls forth the peacemakers, the purpose driven and self determined. Forever tenacious in our endeavour to maintain the natural equilibrium of power, and create a prosperous future of wellbeing for the generations to come.
We bolster the ranks, asserting the core values that guide our endeavour, defining our why and our cause for campaign. The assurance we need is made evident within the environment itself. Across the heavens, the sun, moon and stars align to make it known that our holy crusade is truly of a divine nature.

E ara e hika ē! Rise up o comrades!
- Rawiri Puhirake, The Battle of Gate Pā, 1864.
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